Praise for Wayne Pardy's book, Safety Incentives. . . the Pros and Cons of Award and Recogition programs:
"In my studies of paradigm shifts, I have frequently found that new ideas frequently come from sources outside our own backyards. So it comes as no surprise to me that it took a Canadian from Newfoundland to bring fresh ideas and much-needed documentation to such an important subject. This book will not only free the concept of safety incentives from the pall of suspicion, I am confident that it will redefine and standardize the applications of these still-effective safety tools."
F. David Pierce, President - Society for the Advancement of Safety and Health
Quality Plus Inc. has further demonstrated leadership in our respective fields through the publishing of the quality/safety book, Integrated Management Systems: Leading Strategies and Solutions and Safety Incentives: The Pros and Cons of Award and Recognition Programs
Authored by Terri Andrews and Wayne Pardy.
Today's competitive business environment poses a wide range of challenges to successful quality, safety, and environmental management systems. While many organizations create their management systems based on the requirements of their respective areas, integrating management systems provides the most effective solution to the challenges these organizations face. Integrated Management Systems: Leading Strategies and Solutions assists readers in the successful integration of their safety, quality, and environmental management systems. Using examples taken from a wide and diverse range of business situations, authors Terri Andrews and Wayne Pardy weave together a management system roadmap that can be used by any HSEQ practitioner, from the beginner to the seasoned industry professional.
This book explores the many different management system options currently available, examines the requirements of the various management systems, explains the differences and similarities in the various approaches to management systems, and suggests practices and tools to help managers implement an integrated approach in order to reduce redundancies, streamline processes, and optimize resources. It includes an in-depth analysis of corporate culture and behavioral factors that affect management systems, and it employs a wide range of practical examples that any safety, quality, and environmental management practitioner can relate to. This book benefits health, safety, environmental management, and quality management practitioners and professionals, especially those who design and implement systems for the successful management of their safety and environmental performance, and for quality management requirements, customer service, and customer satisfaction.
About The Authors:
Terri Andrews is a practicing integrated management systems consultant, a quality management system registration auditor, and currently the president of Quality Plus Inc.
Wayne Pardy is a quality and safety management consultant with Quality Plus Inc. and the Chair of the Minister's Advisory Committee on Occupational Health and Safety for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Author: Wayne Pardy
Looks at both sides of the safety motivation debate and suggests ways to make safety programs achieve their goal of creating an accident-free safety culture. Traces the history of safety incentive programs, reviews the latest thinking on incentives, compares the use of incentives in the US, Canada, and the EU, and explores management and employee opinions on programs. Gives examples of both successful and failed safety programs.
Reviews of Safety Incentives:
Using a methodical approach, Wayne Pardy has provided the safety community with what will undoubtedly become the authoritative guide to safety incentive programs. Mixing theory and practice, Pardy provides a clear formula for success. But one of the major strengths of this book is that it brings together successful concepts and strategies from outside the traditional practice of safety and, using them as support and wisdom, bringing clarity to this highly-debated subject.
In my studies of paradigm shifts, I have frequently found that new ideas frequently come from sources outside our own backyards. So it comes as no surprise to me that it took a Canadian from Newfoundland to bring fresh ideas and much-needed documentation to such an important subject. This book will not only free the concept of safety incentives from the pall of suspicion, I am confident that it will redefine and standardize the applications of these still-effective safety tools".
F. David Pierce
President - Society for the Advancement of Safety and Health
GUIDE TO HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT: 20PROVEN PROGRAMS. "Accident Cost Accounting." Edited by Mark Rogers and Cindy Moser. Don Mills, Ont.: Southam Business Communications Inc., 1991.